Tuesday, 18 February 2014

1 K. Dhamminda   kamma and the final judgement of the God


                                                 By Ven. K. Dhamminda

2 K. Dhamminda kamma and the final judgement of the God

Religions which are based on theism are more than atheistic religions in the world. Buddhism is one religion among the atheistic religions. The world has already recognised that Buddhism is atheistic religion. Christianity, Islam, Judaism are the main monotheistic religions in the world. Hinduism, Shintoism, Chinese folk religion, Thelema, Wicca, Druidry, Taoism, Odinism and Candomble are the famous polytheistic religion in the world. All theistic religions accept that responsibility of human beings is under the single God or multiple gods. Theists have already accepted that human beings have not their own free-will. They trust their will is in the God. But atheists do never believe that their responsibility and free-will are on authority of the almighty God.

We must first understand what kamma is according to Buddhism. Kamma is a pali word. Meaning of kamma is “action” actually we cannot give a real meaning for this word named kamma by English. The simple meaning is “action”. According to

3 K. Dhamminda kamma and the final judgement of the God

Buddhism, every person is frequently committing various actions by mind, body and mouth. I know, if we do some action, there is definitely a reaction for your action. If you release out any god or bad words from your mouth, At that moment, a power is creating from your words. That power created only for you. Because of it was created by you. Sometimes, you are doing some good or bad works from your body. You kill a human or an animal by your hands. At that moment, a power arose from your that action. Sometimes, you are giving food to a beggar. It is a good action. This giving creates a power for you. Actually this power is a result of your actions. Buddhism names that this is kamma. Kamma classifies beings as inferiority and superiority. If you think very intentionally, your mind is a forerunner for your every work1. In here, you should understand that your body does never exist without your mind and also your mind does never exist without your body.in every time, both exist together. You can clearly understand that you are releasing your ideas out through your mouth and body. After these ideas came out, we name that they are bodily actions and verbal actions. Actually mental actions mean you are thinking badly or goodly, but they not be released out by you.
1 manopubbangamadhamma

4 K. Dhamminda kamma and the final judgement of the God

These are mental actions which create a power. This power can truly change your this birth and next birth. This power can control your life. This power can completely change your existence2. This power is not almighty God or Creator. Because of this power had been created by you. This is kamma according to Buddhism.
The Buddhist people do never believe the God or the Creator. Because of you are created by your kamma. Your like or dislike and responsibility of your life are in you. They are not in an invisible and an external power. If you tell, that the God do everything and everything is will of the god. You must accept Killing, stealing, adultery, lying, intoxicating of person that these are will of the God. If everything happens on will of the God, why will the God judge people? Every bad thing and every good thing are as will of the God. So people are very pure but the God is wrong and impure. You can clearly understand it. I think that the God must be judged in final day by people. Because of the God is wrong person for everything of human and animals.
2 Kamman satte vibhajate yadidam hinappani tatha

5 K. Dhamminda kamma and the final judgement of the God

According to teaching of the Buddha, there are lots of Brahma worlds and heavens. In some Brahma world, life span of brahmas is uncountable. The virtuous and jhanic powerful person in the human world goes to that brahma world with the uncountable life span after his or her death. He is now the first and very powerful Brahma in that brahma world with uncountable life span. When he is alone dwelling in there, he thinks that if whoever comes to my world, it is good for my aloneness. Thereupon, some beings go to that Brahma world from others worlds. When they are going to that Brahma world, the first Brahma with aloneness is dwelling in there. At that time, brahmas who came in the second time think that this first Brahma is our leader and he is very powerful. Then the first Brahma thinks and say to others brahmas ‘I am only one leader of beings and I created you and I am the oldest one among you and I control all beings and world’. Then everybody accepts his authority. Suddenly, life span of some brahmas in that brahma world finishes according to their kamma. Then they are coming to this human world. When they are coming to this world, nobody is in this world. They are starters in

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human world. One among them comes to his previous memory and tells o’ my dear friends our powerful and almighty leader is in his Brahma world. He is our creator and controls us. So we should try to go to his world….they follow rules and ritual methods which were made by them to reach to their first Brahma. But they have not knowledge and an understanding about kamma. Actually that first Brahma has not knowledge and an understanding about kamma. Because of he has full of pride and defiled and ignorant mind. Now you can clearly understand how established concept of the God in the human world. After the elapse of uncountable years since arrival of beings in to this world, people created various concepts of the God or Brahma who are included to above mentioned story, ideas and multifarious theistic religions. After that, all human beings are following concept of the God. But freethinkers who were wise, critical and analytical persons started to search truth and emancipation or the end of suffering of beings. They understood through their developed mental power that concept of the God and the Brahma is groundless or pointless. Only one person among them could completely realised and enlightened whole universe and opened it to all gods

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and humans. The Buddha pointed out delusion and groundless of concepts of the God. I invite to you, to be a freethinker and you should critically, analytically and openly see and think about religions, world and beings. You don’t be a blind in your religion. Open your mind, take away you all dogmas and try to search truth in beings and in the universe. Then, you will become a necessary person in the world.
In the day of judgement, the God will judge every people. He will judge people on good actions and bad actions. People who had done bad actions are recommended to the everlasting Hell by the God. People who had done good actions are recommended to the Heaven by the God. Now we came to good point in topic. The god is almighty, and merciful. If he is almighty, why can he not recommend all sentient creatures to the Heaven? If he is merciful, why did he recommend beings to the Hell? If it is a punishment for bad action of beings, were those bad actions done by the god or by beings? Actually those bad actions were done through beings by the God. Because of all actions are on will of the God. The Buddha told that kamma controls all beings and kamma classifies beings as

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inferiority and superiority. In here, you can understand that kamma is more powerful than the almighty God. Because of the almighty God gives final assessment by means of kamma. The almighty God also respect to the kamma. Because of he cannot change kamma of beings. The Buddha told you would guarantee for your purity and impurity. Other one would never guarantees for your purity and impurity3. Why did the Buddha preach like that expression? Because of he knew that there is not an almighty God to control beings. He realised that kamma controls beings. kamma is not a god. It is originating from you. You are creator of your kamma and your kamma is creator of you. Energies are creator of both that are you and your kamma. Energies are not the God. Energies are four great elements which are nature with hardness, nature with liquidness, nature of hotness and nature of airiness. So the God is not your judge. Your judge is yourself.
Islam, Christianity, Judaism, these religions are monotheistic. People who believe these religions deeply trust the final judgment. According to the Quran, Islamic people tell In the name of Allah, the
3 Suddhi asuddhi paccattam annanamannam visodaye

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Entirely Merciful, Especially Merciful. If Allah is merciful, he can recommend all beings to the Heaven in his the final assessment of humanity. But he will never do it. If he do it, the final judgment is meaningless. If he will not do it, his mercifulness is pointless. If Allah is almighty, he can direct all beings to the heaven without any judgement of them. But he cannot do it. Because of he wants to judge all beings. He will judge and give assessment to beings on their good and bad actions. The good and the bad actions are named as kamma in Buddhism. As the Buddha told that kamma would control your life while, Allah tells that this kamma cannot be changed at all for the human beings. Because of, he has to give the final assessment to beings by dint of kamma. Now you can clearly understand who powerful one is in final judgement. The Buddhist people trust in gods and also they respect to gods. But they do never believe in almighty God, in the Creator, and in the God who gives the final assessment of humanity. Because of they clearly know who judge is in their life.
Now we have a good point in this topic to discuss about origination of being. Hindu people tell

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that the Brahma created beings. Christian people tell that the almighty God created beings and Islamic people tell that the Allah created beings. Actually these all religions belong to monotheistic or polytheistic frame. There is a contradiction on creation of beings between the empirical science and the theistic religions. But Buddhism does never believes that creation of beings had been done by the God. Because of the Buddhism rejects the almighty God. First of all, we discuss what view of Buddhism on being and world is. The Buddha told that there is difficult to give an assessment to beginning and end of the circle of birth and death4. But the Buddha explained us about the four great elements. Everything in the universe is created by these four great elements. They are named as the earth element, the water element, the fire element, and the air element. These elements are separately never remaining. They are altogether remaining in every moment. Especially you must know that these elements are not material. They are immaterial. Actually these four elements are the greatest energies in universe. These energies create various materials. If the God has a form, that form created by these energies. Unless the God has a form, saying that man was equally created
4 Anamataggoyam samsara pubba otina panna

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to the God and the final judgment are a groundless. Our consciousness frequently exists with a kammic power. These both of consciousness and kammic power are immaterial. Our consciousness is associating with very developed vital materials. There are some vital materials in the world. But they do not have consciousness. The God has also a consciousness. If he has not a consciousness, the creation of the God, the final judgment and his almighty are meaningless talks. If the God has a body with consciousness, he is also definitely impermanent. According to Buddhism, Consciousness frequently exists with kammic power. If the god has consciousness, he is truly controlled by kamma. Now you can clearly understand that this creation of beings and world was done by the four greatest energies. In future, new world and new beings will be created by these four greatest energies (elements).
According to agganna sutta5, evolution of human being had occurred from powerful, radiant deities. Actually there is a decline of human being from beginning to now. It is not a positive evolutionary
5 Majjhima nikaya

12 K. Dhamminda kamma and the final judgement of the God
process of human being. According to Buddhism, they were very powerful, radiant and intelligent in the beginning. The human beings are schematically declining from beginning to today. They had truly declined from their age, intelligent, and mental and physical nature till today.in future human being will be seriously deteriorating from mental and physical aspects. This is not a positive evolutionary process of human beings on the earth. On the other hand, we can say that this decline of human being is an evolutionary process to the modern human being. According to agganna sutta, human beings with mental and physical power are gradually going to negative evolutionary process. Today, we can obviously understand it. I think that this answer is enough for creation of the God. Buddhism does never believe that human being’s origination is from ape. So Buddhism does not agree to Charles Darwin’s evolutionism.
Teaching of the Buddha is the universal equitable and scientific truth. It is the noble truth in the universe. Nobody is able to change it. Nobody is clever and expert to debate against to it. If someone comes to dispute, debate against to teaching of the Buddha, that

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person will finally become a disciple of the Buddha. Because of teaching of the Exalted One is the universal truth. Nobody in the world could defeat the universal doctrine of the Buddha through their won visions or dogmas till today.
Finally, I would like to note that you should not scorn, discriminate any religions, so also, you should not be a blind in any religions. You should truly understand that you are leaded by fruits of your own actions which are created through your mind, body and speech. You are not a servant in any supernatural visible or invisible being. You yourself are Lord in you. You yourself are servant in you. You yourself are your savior….

                                                       2013- 04- 23
                                                       Sri Lanka

14 K. Dhamminda kamma and the final judgement of the God

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