Monday, 10 February 2014

The Buddhist Philosophy

1 K. Dhamminda the two and thirty marke of a great man
                                THE TWO AND THIRTY MARKS OF A GREAT MAN
                                             Ven. Kadawathamaduwe Dhamminda
                                                       University of Delhi


2 K. Dhamminda the two and thirty marke of a great man
The two and thirty marks of a Great Man
In time of the Buddha, there was a young named Uttara who had learned three Vedas and knew rites and rituals as officiating priest. He was also an expert in phonology and etymology of words and the marks of the Great Man. This Uttara wanted to know whether good Gotama is endowed with these the two and thirty marks of a Great Man or not, he knew that the Great Man has two courses of action and not another. If he leads the household life, he becomes the universal Monarch who is a stable, righteous king with power in the four directions. He endows with the seven jewels. He has more than a thousand sons who are heroic figures, clever and able to subdue foreign armies. He rules without sticks and weapon over the countries bounded by the ocean righteously. If this Great Man becomes homeless, he will become a Buddha who he will be perfect and all-knowing and would remove the veil of darkness.
Uttara left to go to Videha to meet the Blessed One. This young man, Uttara having met the Buddha and examined the two and thirty marks of the Great Man on the body of the Buddha. He is seeing the thirty marks excepting two. Now, he has a doubt whether the pudendum is encased and tongue is large enough. Then the Buddha exercised the psychic power, so that Uttara could see the encased pudendum. The Gracious One drew forth his tongue that was touched the ear lobes, the nostrils and covered the complete forehead with the nose. Then young man Uttara got up from his seat, arranged the shawl on one shoulder, put his head at the feet,
3 K. Dhamminda the two and thirty marke of a great man
worshipped the Buddha, kissed the feet and stroked them with the hands
The Buddha is endowed with the thirty two marks of a Great Man. There is no question about it. The Buddha’s feet are well established when placed1. The soles of the feet have wheels with thousand fold discs and naves2. They are complete in every way. It is the mark of a Great Man. He has long eye -lashes3.he has long fingers4. He has hands and feet which are soft to the touch5. There are lines on the palms and feet like a woven net6. He has high ankles and the legs of an antelope7. When the Buddha is standing, he does not bend8. He could touch the knees with his fingers9. His pudendum is cased10. His skin is of golden hue11. Dust does not settle on his fine skin12. On his body a single hair comes up from each pore13 and those dark blue hairs stand aloft turning to the right14. He has a straight body15. his
1 ‘Suppatiṭṭhitapādo kho pana bhavaṃ gotamo
2 Heṭṭhā kho pana tassa bhoto gotamassa
3 Āyatapaṇhi kho pana so bhavaṃ gotamo
4 Dīghaṅguli kho pana so bhavaṃ gotamo
5 Mudutalunahatthapādo kho pana so bhavaṃ gotamo
6 Jālahatthapādo kho pana so bhavaṃ gotamo
7 Ussaṅkhapādo kho pana so bhavaṃ gotamo
8 ‘Eṇijaṅgho kho pana so bhavaṃ gotamo…
9 Ṭhitako kho pana so bhavaṃ gotamo anonamanto ubhohi pāṇitalehi jaṇṇukāni parimasati parimajjati
10 ‘Kosohitavatthaguyho kho pana so bhavaṃ gotamo
11 Suvaṇṇavaṇṇo kho pana so bhavaṃ gotamo kañcanasannibhattaco…
12 Sukhumacchavi kho pana so bhavaṃ gotamo. Sukhumattā chaviyā rajojallaṃ kāye na upalimpati…
13 ‘Ekekalomo kho pana so bhavaṃ gotamo; ekekāni lomāni lomakūpesu jātāni…
4 K. Dhamminda the two and thirty marke of a great man
fore part was like a lion's16. He has heaped up shoulders17 and his body has a breadth to suit the height18. He has a halo19, around his body20. Of tastes, good Gotama knows the highest21. He has the jaws of a lion22. He has forty teeth23. He has complete teeth24. He has undivided teeth25. He has white teeth26. He has a large tongue27. He has a melodious voice like the voice of a cuckoo28. He has dark blue eyes29 and He has a comely mouth30. Between the eyebrows, is a tuft of hair turned to the right31. Good Gotama has a raised top like
14 Uddhaggalomo kho pana so bhavaṃ gotamo; uddhaggāni lomāni jātāni nīlāni añjanavaṇṇāni kuṇḍalāvaṭṭāni dakkhiṇāvaṭṭakajātāni
15 ‘Brahmujugatto kho pana so bhavaṃ gotamo…
16 Sīhapubbaddhakāyo kho pana so bhavaṃ gotamo
17 Citantaraṃso kho pana so bhavaṃ gotamo…
18 Nigrodhaparimaṇḍalo kho pana so bhavaṃ gotamo; yāvatakvassa kāyo tāvatakvassa byāmo, yāvatakvassa byāmo tāvatakvassa kāyo…
19 Sattussado kho pana so bhavaṃ gotamo
20 Samavaṭṭakkhandho kho pana so bhavaṃ gotamo…
21 ‘Rasaggasaggī kho pana so bhavaṃ gotamo…
22 ‘Sīhahanu kho pana so bhavaṃ gotamo
23 Cattālīsadanto kho pana so bhavaṃ gotamo…
24 ‘Samadanto kho pana so bhavaṃ gotamo…
25 Aviraḷadanto kho pana so bhavaṃ gotamo
26 Susukkadāṭho kho pana so bhavaṃ gotamo
27 Pahūtajivho kho pana so bhavaṃ gotamo
28 Brahmassaro kho pana so bhavaṃ gotamo karavikabhāṇī…
29 ‘Abhinīlanetto kho pana so bhavaṃ gotamo…
30 Gopakhumo kho pana so bhavaṃ gotamo…
31 Uṇṇā kho panassa bhoto gotamassa bhamukantare jātā odātā mudutūlasannibhā…
5 K. Dhamminda the two and thirty marke of a great man
wearing a turban32. These are the two and thirty marks of a Great Man.
May all beings be happy and free from suffering
32 ‘Uṇhīsasīso kho pana so bhavaṃ gotamo; idampi tassa bhoto gotamassa mahāpurisassa mahāpurisalakkhaṇaṃ bhavati.

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